21-09-2009 08:55 AM
Alice In Chains-Black Gives Way To Bl... | Edited by
Noctis 08-02-2010 09:43 PM
Noctis HackAge
Posts: 3338
Joined: 02.07.08
Location: south
Age: 17
New album 2009...
Track List:
01. All Secrets Known
02. Check My Brain
03. Last of My Kind
04. Your Decision
05. A Looking in View
06. When the Sun Rose Again
07. Acid Bubble
08. Lessons Learned
09. Take Her Out
10. Private Hell
11. Black Gives Way to Blue
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x 1
08-02-2010 02:47 PM
Alice In Chains-Black Gives Way To Bl... | Edited by
kuchiki 08-02-2010 02:47 PM
kuchiki Jounin
Posts: 180
Joined: 20.02.09
Location: -soul society-
Age: 45
om update tin link nya doooung......
If things meant to be,they will surely happen
if they're not,well lets force to happen,,hehehe
08-02-2010 09:45 PM
Alice In Chains-Black Gives Way To Bl...
Noctis HackAge
Posts: 3338
Joined: 02.07.08
Location: south
Age: 17
ente kmana aja kuch...
album taun kmrn bru donlod...
Link is fixed btw...
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10-02-2010 11:41 AM
Alice In Chains-Black Gives Way To Bl...
kuchiki Jounin
Posts: 180
Joined: 20.02.09
Location: -soul society-
Age: 45
tersesat di jalan yang bernama kehidupan...."(kakashi sensei.red)
hehehe,gw mo nyari lupa mulu om,,
baru inget staun kemudian,,,
thx yaaaaa....
-yup,hope god bless ure soul ace-san-
If things meant to be,they will surely happen
if they're not,well lets force to happen,,hehehe
10-02-2010 12:34 PM
Alice In Chains-Black Gives Way To Bl...
kuchiki Jounin
Posts: 180
Joined: 20.02.09
Location: -soul society-
Age: 45
eh om. maap deh knp pass: exploreyourbrain.com ga bisa yaa,,,
If things meant to be,they will surely happen
if they're not,well lets force to happen,,hehehe
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